1. To promote welfare and development activities such as family welfare, welfare of women, youth, adolescents, children, handicapped or provide assistance in cases of un-employment, under-employment, old age, sickness, disablement and other cases of primary and basic needs.
  2. To co-ordinate with various Departments and Ministries both in Central as well as the State Govt. providing funds to Voluntary Organizations for developmental activities in planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and training.
  3. To render technical and financial aid, when necessary, to deserving institutions or organizations including Panchayati Raj institutions involved in the field of development.
  4. To promote and develop Voluntary Organizations in un-covered and remote areas through assistance, training, etc and to study the needs and requirements of Voluntary Organizations working in the field of development, health and community welfare through surveys, research and evaluation, etc.
  5. To evaluate programmes and projects of agencies aided by the Board or other agencies or undertake pilot projects or innovative programmes for the attainment of its aims and objectives.
  6. To organize emergency relief in cases of calamity – national, natural or otherwise, whenever deemed fit or necessary and to create a corpus fund for this purpose.
  7. To arrange, secure and make available to its subsidiaries and other concerned organizations such facilities, resources, inputs and services as may be required and coordinate their activities to determine their economic and financial objectives/targets or review, control, guide and direct their performance with a view to secure optimum utilization of all resources placed at their disposal.

To co-operate, coordinate or work with Voluntary Organizations or agencies of similar nature or with similar aims and objectives in the attainment of its aims and objects.

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