Functions and Duties of the Commission (NWC Act-2006) :

The main function and duties of the Commission is to investigate and examine all matters relating to Women issues, and also to safeguard the women provisions which was provided for women under the Constitution and other laws.

  1. Study/research and to codify the customary law relating to Naga women, family institutions, social security for women and children, on tribe-wise, district-wise and on other basis that may be considered necessary, for protecting family institutions from breaking up and for being against children particularly girl children from being rendered as orphans;
  2. Study, research and report on the advisability of reorienting some of the customary laws and practices into legislative enactments;
  3. Study, research and report on all Acts of Parliament including Civil Procedure Code, Criminal Procedure Code and Indian Penal Code etc., regarding their applicability or otherwise to Naga women, for enabling the Nagaland Legislative Assembly to take appropriate action under article 371-A (1) (a) of the Constitution of India;
  4. Study, research and report on all Acts of Nagaland Legislative Assembly that affect women so as to plug loopholes and for more effective implementation;
  5. Study, research and report on the advisability of including specific provisions in the Constitution of India for further protecting the interests of women in Nagaland, both in general and special ways;
  6. To formulate the draft of the Nagaland Women Empowerment Policy with the Women Development Department,
  7. Formulate alternatives policies for the socio-economic and educational advancement of women in Nagaland for consideration of the State Government;
  8. Study, research and report on the conditions of women in general, in Nagaland.
  9. Study, research and report on the conditions of women in private and public work places in Nagaland
  10. Study and report on the conditions of women in Jails, remand homes and other places of custody to ameliorate their conditions against atrocities and human rights violations
  11. Receive complaints relating to the status, conditions and affairs of women from individuals and bodies, investigate them and report to the State Government ; and
  12. Perform all other functions which are connected with or incidental to functions enumerated above.
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