1.1 Article 16 of the Constitution enables the Central government to make special provisions for the socio-economic development of the deprived sections of the society to enable them to share the facilities at par with the rest of the society. Education is the foundation for any kind of socio-economic development. Education of Scheduled Tribes assumes added importance in the sense that it elevates their social status and equips them with the acumen to take advantage of the emerging opportunities both in employment and other economic activities.
1.2 While illiteracy is a general problem for the country cutting across caste, religion, region and such other barriers, its total effect on the life and status of the Scheduled Tribes stands out prominently as an area of national focus. The women among the Scheduled Tribe groups suffer from triple jeopardy in as much as that they suffer from social barriers as STs, then as females and then also as the least literate segment of the society.
1.3 Thus, there is a felt need for making a proactive discrimination in favor of ST girls while modifying the present scheme of hostel constructions so as to facilitate preferred proliferation of the educational infrastructure for them through, State Governments/UTs and Universities.
1.4 The existing scheme of construction of hostels aims to supplement the efforts of the State Governments for creating a congenial study atmosphere free from the shackles of domestic shores, so as to encourage students belonging to the target groups to purse their education career without dropping out. Such hostels are immensely beneficial to the students of ST community hailing from rural and remote areas.
1.5 While the Scheme of Hostels for ST Girls is in operation since the 3rd Five Year Plan, the Scheme for of ST Boys was started with effect from the year 1989-90.During the 10th Five Year Plan both the schemes have been merged into a single scheme.
The scheme is for ST boys and girls (including Primitive Tribal Groups). The primary objective of the modification is to attract the implementing agencies for undertaking hostel construction programme for ST Girls studying in middle schools, higher secondary schools, colleges and universities towards the broader vision of containment and reduction of their drop out rate.
The Scheme will be implemented through the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations and the Central/other Universities.
4.1 The hostels under the Scheme should be constructed at a place where the educational institutions concerned are situated, keeping in view the concentration of ST population in a particular area or place. Further, the hostels under the scheme would be sanctioned as far as possible as a part of the established educational institutions or in close vicinity of such institutions. The hostels for Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) can be constructed only in those tribal areas where State Governments/UT Administrations take initiative to run these centres efficiently.
4.2 The hostels under the Scheme can be constructed for middle, secondary, college and university level of education and also for Vocational Training Centres.
4.3 The construction of boundary walls, two rooms set for hostel warden, a kitchen, a toilet, a common room and one room set for Chowkidar would be an integral part of the hostel scheme.
4.4 The expenditure on maintenance of the hostels will be borne by the implementing agencies concerned from their own funds.
Generally, the number of inmates for whom the accommodation can be provided in a hostel under the Scheme should not exceed 100 but may exceed if there is a requirement of additional seats.
6.1 Hostels for ST Girls
For construction/extension of hostels for ST Girls under the Scheme, 100% central assistance would be provided to the State Governments/UT Administrations and the Central/other Universities.
6.2 Hostels for ST Boys
For construction/extension of hostels for ST Boys, the central assistance to the implementing agencies would be provided as detailed below:-

(a) The State Governments will be eligible to receive central assistance on 50:50 matching basis. However naxal-affected states (specified districts as identified by Ministry of Home Affairs from time to time-list of specified districts annexed) will be eligible for 100% central assistance. Also 100% financial assistance would be provided to the UT Administrations;

(b) The Central Universities would be eligible for 90% financial assistance;

(c) Other Universities would be eligible on the basis of 45% central share, 45% State share and the remaining 10% to be borne by the Universities concerned themselves;

(d) In case the State Governments concerned do not contribute their share of 45% to the Universities as prescribed in (c) above, the share of the former will also have to be borne by the Universities concerned, thereby raising their contribution to 55%.
6.3 The hostels for Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) for ST Girls and Boys will be funded on the same criteria as other hostels for (girls and boys) schools/colleges.
6.4 Manner of release of central assistance
The grants-in-aid shall be released after ensuring physical release of requisite matching share by the State Government/UT Administration/University concerned.
(a) The central assistance will be limited only to the cost of construction/extension of the Hostels for ST Girls and Boys (including Primitive Tribal Groups) as indicated above.

(b) Unencumbered land will be made available free of cost by concerned State Government/UT Admn./University for construction of the hostel.

(c) The application for the grant shall be supported by the utilization certificate as well as details of physical and financial progress in respect of hostels sanctioned earlier by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs along with details of location of proposed hostel and number of seats in each hostel.

(d) Plan of the Hostel duly approved by the competent authority in the State Govt./UT Administration/University.

(e) A certificate to the effect that matching provision wherever necessary exists in the State Budget for the Scheme.

(f) The hostels shall be completed within a period of 2 years from the date of release of the central assistance. However the period for completion of the extension of existing hostels shall be 12 months.

(g) A few rooms/blocks of the hostels should be constructed barrier free and facilities like ramps etc. should be included in the design of the construction for the convenience of the ST students with disabilities.

(h) The cost of construction of hostels will be worked out on the basis of State/UT PWD/CPWD schedule of rates prescribed for such type of construction.

(i) In case, any State Government is unable to provide the required matching share from its budget, any MP/MLA can provide the State’s share from his/her MPLADS/MLALADS fund.

(j) Preference will be given to State Governments who commit annual maintenance expenditure, as per reasonable norms.
8.1 The implementing agencies shall closely supervise the construction of hostels regularly and shall submit quarterly progress reports, both physical add financial, to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, New Delhi till the completion of the hostels.
8.2 For the purpose of effective monitoring, the ministry may itself conduct or cause field visits to be conducted by appropriate agencies/authorities to inspect the projects.
8.3 The expenditure on evaluation/monitoring and administration of the scheme shall be met out of the funds provided for this scheme.

All together the Dept of Social Welfare,Govt of Nagaland has sanctioned five(5) nos of Tribal Hostels to be build in the different parts of the state.Details are below…..
Sl.no Location/District Year of Construction
Boys/girls hostel
1 Kohima 2012
2 Longleng 2004
Boys and Girls
3 Aboi-Mon 2006-07
Boys and Girls
4 Dimapur 2012
5 Peren
2007-08 Boys and Girls

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