The main objective of the Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS) is to improve the nutritional and health status of children up to   the age of 6 years, pregnant women and lactating mothers.

The above objectives are sought to be achieved through a package of services comprising:

  1. Supplementary nutrition,
  2. Immunization,
  3. Health check-up,
  4. Referral services,
  5. Pre-school non-formal education and
  6. Nutrition & Health Education.

Presently 60 (sixty) ICDS projects are operating in the state covering 3.45 Lakh beneficiaries under 3980 Anganwadi centres where all the 6 (six) services are provided to children in the age group of 0-6, pregnant women and lactating mothers.


History of ICDS in the State

In Nagaland, the ICDS programme was launched in the year 1975 in Jalukie block of Peren district with 50 Anganwadi centers. The programme has since grown and at present there are 60 (sixty) ICDS projects in 11 (Eleven) districts of the State. Of this 2 (two) are Urban projects, one is rural project and the rest are Tribal projects. All the 6(six) services under ICDS such as Supplementary nutrition, Health check up, Non formal pre-school education, Immunization, Nutrition & Health education and Referral services are being provided through a Network of 3980 Anganwadi centres in the State.



At the Directorate level the Director is the head and is assisted by 1 OSD, 2Jt. Director, 3 Dy. Directors, 1 Sr. Accounts officer, 3 Asstt. Directors, 2 Research officers, Registrar and Office Superintendents.

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