The Nagaland Council for Child Welfare (NCCW) came into being in the year 1988 at Kohima under the patronage of India Council for Child Welfare, New Delhi. It is a non – profit, charitable and social  welfare  voluntary  organization  involves  in  various  child  welfare  activities  in  the  state of Nagaland. It is registered  under  the  registration of  societies Act 1860  as amend vide Registration of Societies  (  Nagaland  third  Amendment)  Act, 2008   (  Act  –  No. 1,2009)  bearing the  registration Certificate no. ` – 4012 dated 31.05.1988.

The aims of the Nagaland Council for Child Welfare are:

  1. To formulate, undertake or assist for the welfare of the children in Nagaland;
  2. To train child welfare workers;
  3. To prepare and publish literature relating to child welfare;
  4. To disseminate knowledge and information to educate public opinion for child welfare programmes;
  5. To hold seminar and conference on child welfare programme;
  6. To apply and obtain Government grants, donations and fees for council funds; and
  7. To depute persons to National Conference on child welfare programmes

The office bearers who are elected after every three years are responsible for carrying out the activities. The office bearers are as follows:

  1. President – T.Merangtsungba Aier
  2. Two Vice-Presidents (Admin. & Dev) – Mrs. Kewe-u Kenye, Mr. Dokho Phira
  3. General Secretary – Dr. P. Ngully
  4. Joint Secretary            – Mr.I. Ponger
  5. Child Welfare Officer – Mr. Tsopolo Kapho
  6. Treasure – Mr. R. N Lotha
  7. Treasure – Mrs. L.Obbey
  8. Coordinator
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