RTI Disclosure 2005

RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT 2005 (RTI Act Section 4 (1) (b) i-xvii Department of Social Welfare Nagaland :: Kohima (2014-15) SECTION 4 OF RIGHT TO INFORMATION Act 2005, MANUAL OF DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELAFRE Section 4(1)(b)(i) of RTI Act.2005 Particulars of organization, function & Duties INTRODUCTION The Department of Social Welfare is assigned with task RTI Disclosure 2005

Department Officials

Secretariat Staff  Sl. No. Name Designation Cell phone/ Land Line 1 Smti. Marthe R. Ritse, IAS Secretary 9436101800 2 Smti Bodeno S. Colo, NCS Addl. Secretary 9436005496 3 Smti. Yongchingkumla, NCS Addl. Secretary 88837261932 4 Shri. T. Nungsang Sangtam, NCS Addl. Secretary 8787735865 5 Shri. Kekhrieselie Mepfhu-O, NSS Joint Secretary 9436208802 6 Smti. Narola Imti, Department Officials

Contact us

Any kind of queries may be addressed to:- Directorate of Social Welfare Below NBCC Convention Hall New Secretariat Road Kohima, Nagaland Pin code :- 797004 Phone No:- 0370- 2270042 Fax No:- 0370- 2270028 Email:- www.socialwelfarengl@gmail.com

About the Department

The Dept of Social Welfare, Government of Nagaland was established in the year 1968 with the sole purpose of implementing social welfare schemes. Presently the department is looking after five different ministries: – Ministry of Women and Child Development. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. Ministry of Tribal Affairs Ministry of Human   Resource Ministry of About the Department

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